Privacy & Data Protection

Does Psynautics collect my credit card information?

No, all payments are processed through the payment processor Stripe. Psynautics does not collect or store any payment information.

How is my identifiable information used and where is it stored?

Identifiable information is only used to provide our study services. Specifically, shipping your study materials and being in contact with you. Your information is password protected and securely stored within Google Drive.

Is my data shared with third parties?

We do not share or sell any identifiable information, including your e-mail, etc., to any third parties. To support open science practices, all data are de-identified, meaning your data are stripped of all identifiable information and assigned a participant identification number, and uploaded to Open Science Foundation. In this way, we democratize access to the data collected by our studies, enabling rigorous and reproducible scientific research by academic institutions.

Do I need to provide consent for my participation?

Psynautics provides a service for individuals and researchers, but does not meet the definition for human subjects research, meaning there is no formal consent process or institutional review. However, by purchasing study kits, participants are consenting to have their de-identified data uploaded to Open Science Foundation, and acknowledge that no identifiable information will be shared or sold to any third parties.

Will Psynautics, Muse, or Mind Monitor provide medical advice?

No, our work is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the relationship between you and your physician, healthcare provider, coach or other professional you are working with. The Muse device is not a medical device, and neither Psynautics, Muse, or Mind Monitor are licensed medical or healthcare providers and have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions. The information generated from your participation is not medical information, but is intended to help to inform future medical applications.

Links to Muse and Mind Monitor privacy policies are available here.

Please let us know if you would like to receive a PDF containing the information detailed on this page prior to joining our studies.

Open Science

We are committed to open science practices. All data are de-identified and uploaded to the Open Science Foundation (OSF). Through the OSF, we connect with researchers aiming to test hypotheses that advance our understanding of mind and brain.